CASE#: 21SJ000058
OFFICER: Gerrish
CONTACT#: (802)748-2314
DATE/TIME: 01/08/2021 @ 0058
LOCATION: Portland Street
VIOLATION: Possession of Cocaine, [EXPUNGED]
ACCUSED: Shawn A. Rich (42)
CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: St. Johnsbury, Vermont
On the above date & time, a St. Johnsbury Police Department patrol officer stopped a suspicious vehicle on Portland Street. Further investigation revealed a passenger in the vehicle, Shawn A. Rich, [EXPUNGED]. Rich was also found to be in possession of a small jar containing a white powdery residue substance which field tested positive for the chemical properties of cocaine. Another passenger in the vehicle, Kevin Reynolds, was arrested by Ofc. Guyer in a separate matter. Rich was arrested and cited into Caledonia Superior Court with a court date of March 15, 2021 @ 1000. The vehicle was seized and the investigation continues.