Friday, May 6, 2022

22SJ001935 - Unlawful Mischief / Simple Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer / Disorderly Conduct / Violation of Conditions of Release

CASE#: 22SJ001935
OFFICER: Gerrish / Cpl. Johnson / Guyer
AGENCY: St. Johnsbury Police Department
CONTACT#: 802-748-2314

DATE/TIME: May 5, 2022 @ 1621
LOCATION: 502 Railroad Street
VIOLATION: Unlawful Mischief, Simple Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer, Disorderly Conduct, Violation of Conditions of Release

ACCUSED: Tristan Garcia (22)


On May 5, 2022 at about 1621 hours, the St. Johnsbury Police Department received a complaint that Tristan Garcia was out of control in the Walgreens. That was the 3rd complaint received about Mr. Garcia’s behavior that day and the second about him at the Walgreens. Upon arrival, a patrol officer was advised that Garcia had fled down the road. Garcia was located inside a community center at 438 Railroad Street. Pursuant to taking Garcia into custody as an incapacitated person, Garcia kicked or struck Cpl. Johnson causing pain. Garcia was transported to NVRH where he caused a subsequent disturbance in the emergency room, damaging hospital property (putting a hole in the wall, etc). Garcia was cited for the above violations into Caledonia Superior Court with a court date of June 27, 2022 at 0830 hours.